No better way to kick off Mother's Day weekend in Pittsburgh than with a fresh out da oven, newborn session. Beau was literally an angel baby and didn't cry once! That is unheard of during a newborn session. He is so relaxed just like his mom and dad and that always makes my job much easier! My poor future children are going to have more photos of their toes than their faces because I love baby toes so much. Take a look at Beau's lifestyle newborn session!
This newborn session has so many of my favorite things. A new baby, a fur baby, beautiful light, and a happy family. It's moments like this when I have to pinch myself that I get to use my craft to capture these moments for people. Take a peek at Connor's newborn session!
Not much I love more than an adorable newborn session on a Wednesday! One of the best parts of my job is getting to meet little munchkins when they are just weeks, sometimes even days old. I am in awe of their tiny fingernails and baby eye lashes.
Mr. Miles was awake and ready for action during our session which meant lots of photos of his sweet eyes. I think he knew I wasn't a normal visitor and was keeping an eye on me. At the hospital, Miles was quickly nicknamed 'Moose'. So I grabbed his stuff animals to join the party. As soon as I was packing up he was sound asleep!